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Of A Lifetime

From The Field
Of A Lifetime

In Conversation with Xavier & Mila De La Rue
Written by Mark Bullock // Photography by Christoph Thoresen, Jerome Tanon & Guido Perrini

There’s something uniquely intimate about exploring the ends of the Earth with family. For Xavier de Le Rue, legendary freerider, it was about revisiting the most extraordinary place he’d ever seen – Antarctica. This time, however, he brought his daughter Mila along for her first major adventure film project. What unfolded was not just a story about skiing but one about relationships, resilience, and seeing the world anew.

‘It started as a trip with my brother Victor,’ Xavier tells me. ‘We wanted to return to Antarctica, to see how much it had changed, and maybe share some of that environmental story. But when Mila became such a strong skier, I knew I wanted to invite her – although I didn’t want to impose. But luckily, she loved the idea.’

Of A Lifetime Of A Lifetime

The resulting film captures stunning highs and gruelling lows, starting with a nauseating sail across the Drake Passage. Mila laughs when I bring it up: ‘Before we left, he kept saying, ‘You’ll feel like you want to die.’ I thought he was exaggerating, but no. It was awful!’

Xavier nods knowingly. ‘It’s impossible to prepare for. Time stretches forever out there. There’s no stopping, no reprieve.’ Mila adds, ‘Even the smell gets to you. I had films downloaded, but I couldn’t watch anything. Everything felt unbearable.’

After the hardship came beauty – and growth. Mila’s narrative voice anchors the film, a role she stumbled into thanks to the director’s encouragement to keep a journal. ‘At first, it wasn’t something I’d normally do,’ she admits. ‘But now, I’m so happy I have that record of the trip. Writing was unexpectedly rewarding.’

Xavier’s admiration for his daughter is clear. ‘I’ve seen my brother carve out his own path in skiing, but watching Mila step into this world is different. She brought a fresh perspective to everything. I’m used to the risks; but for her, it was all new and raw. It reminded me how much I take for granted.’

One of the film’s most striking moments shows Mila skiing a steep face as Xavier and Victor watch from their boat. ‘It’s such a powerful scene,’ I remark. Mila laughs, recalling the contrast: ‘Yea, but really they were just drinking beer and having rum while I was up there terrified!’

Despite the lighthearted teasing, the family’s commitment to the environment runs deep. Xavier reflects on how Antarctica has changed since his last visit. ‘Twelve years ago, we had to cross 20 kilometres of ice to reach the face Victor and I rode. This time, we sailed right up to it. The warming is undeniable. At the Ukrainian research base, we learned that temperatures have risen four degrees in a little over a decade. It’s very sobering.’

Of A Lifetime Of A Lifetime

For Mila, this trip was more than a skiing milestone – it was a turning point in her life. She turned 18 during the expedition, transitioning from a schoolgirl to someone charting her own future. ‘I definitely want to ski and maybe do more films, but I also want to carve my own path. Not just follow what my dad’s done.’

Xavier interjects with pride. ‘She didn’t see it as much of a life before, but now she’s embracing it. And that’s all I could hope for.’

Social media has been another learning curve. Mila laughs about her modest Instagram following compared to her dad’s 585,000 fans. ‘I’m not good at it,’ she confesses. ‘But I should start trying!’ Xavier jokes, ‘I’m not good either!’ Mila quips, ‘But you have the followers!’

Looking ahead, both have busy schedules. Mila is focusing on freeride competitions, hoping to qualify for the Freeride World Tour. ‘It’s about pushing myself and learning,’ she says. Meanwhile, Xavier is wrapping up the film tour. ‘Touring is tough – it breaks our training and routine – but it’s part of the job.’

Of A Lifetime Of A Lifetime

If the film is any indication, Mila is well on her way – not just as a skier but as a storyteller, adventurer, and someone finding her own place in the world. And with a mentor like Xavier by her side, her journey is bound to inspire.

As our conversation winds down, it’s clear this trip wasn’t just a career milestone but a real voyage of personal discovery. Mila says, reflecting on her big debut: ‘I’ve had this massive project early, and now I’m building up gently from there. I feel like I’m starting backwards.’

For more information, visit and find the duo on Instagram: @xavierdelerue // @miladelerue
Written by Mark Bullock // @mark_bullock
Photography by Christoph Thoresen, Jerome Tanon & Guido Perrini // Courtesy of The North Face



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